Hi and welcome! I'm Gillian Tam, a multi-hyphenated artist originally from suburban Chicago. I'm currently a student at Beloit College, studying Media Studies and Business Management. I hope to pursue a career in Marketing, Film, Graphic Design, or Journalism.

I'm passionate about anything and everything related to photography, graphic design, journalism, video production and film, radio personality work, and technical theater. Uncharted waters don't daunt me; rather, they result in me embracing the challenge of a new creative subject or skill that allows me to incorporate new artistic techniques. I feel a singular artistic focus would hold me back from my potential to reach greater heights as an artist.
What pulls me towards all these areas? When it comes to photography, I love the focus it brings to a single moment or element--a tree standing tall, the sun glistening over the horizon, a single droplet of water atop a flower. I truly believe that beauty can be found in small moments, and photography provides a greater appreciation for these moments. Photography truly allows you to stop and smell the flowers. You sometimes become so lost in a single moment of time that the rest of the world just disappears.
With Film, I love the visual storytelling and how you can express the most exhilarating and complex ideas without the need for words. I especially adore the use and manipulation of sound and lighting. To me, the diminishment or consumption of lighting speaks louder than words ever could. They use so little yet show so much in terms of character dynamics and plot. The experimentation of both lighting and sound design is what drew me into film. Sound can elicit such a strong reaction, and it establishes tonal quality almost immediately.
Film and photography are the greatest loves of my life. As corny as it sounds I truly don't know who I would be without their presence.
Email: gillianfoxtam@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: Gillian Fox Tam